Sunday, May 10, 2009

Annelise's New Play Yard

We got a new play yard for Annelise! It is the Joovy Room^2 and it is awesome! It has over 10 square feet for her to play in which is much bigger than any of the pack and plays that you see in the stores. We ordered it from because of the size and the awesome reviews on it. So far we really love it and I think Annelise will have a good time learning to crawl in here without worrying about falling on the hard floor!


  1. that is really cool! now you can walk around without worrying about her rolling under the sofa lol!

  2. I just don't think that babies are supposed to be able to move around and get up on all fours that early! She is so advanced.

  3. I just checked our "What to expect in the first year" book. It says that some babies will crawl as early as 6 months, but closer to 9 months is typical. She is 5 1/2 months now. :-)

  4. She's so perfect and advanced in every way! She'll be moving before she hits the 7 month mark.

  5. She's definitely a cutie! You all look great. Tell Jeremy hello for me! I miss our walks. The 24 hr fitness cardio room is not the same as the park.

  6. we're going to need a gate at the beach house :]

  7. I know! I'll be sure to get one before our trip. I'm plnning on putting up gates to block our kitchen at home.
