So, for my first post I thought I would give everyone a quick update with what is going on with Annelise. In case you haven't seen her in a while she is a pro at rolling over. I definitely can't put her down and expect her to stay put anymore. Makes it hard when I have to do dishes or something. The other day I put her on her mat and went to make her bottle and when I came back she was halfway under the couch!
She is also starting to figure out how to crawl. It is a lot of fun to watch. Right now she can push up on her hands then pop up on her knees. She doesn't stay there very long and she isn't sure what to do when she gets there, but I don't think it will be long before she figures it out. This morning she actually popped up on her hands and feet! I am such proud mom. :-)
Today I got her travel crib out and decided I'll try to use it as a play pin. That way I could do a little straightening up and she could play with her toys without rolling away. It worked out great for a while, but I could tell the walls were starting to frustrate her. I'm going to have to do some shopping for a bigger play pin I think.
Moving On and Saying Good Bye
7 years ago